It's me
This is my personal MVC web application. I created it using the frameworks Materialize and Angular, on the front-end, for styling and responsiveness. Using Laravel on the back-end, I implement an MVC design pattern. Look around and if you have any questions use the contact link to reach me. Thank you for visiting.
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I am from San Antonio, and can trace back my roots through 7 generations here. My background in is retail, customer service, and management. I look forward to leverage this knowledge in a development environment. From my attention to detail to working well in groups, I dedicated to honing my craft.


I am a resourceful problem solver who puts a premium on well written code. I enjoy the challenges coding has allowed me to solve, and bringing that outlook towards many aspects in my life. Helping others and learning from others goes hand in hand, and I am a firm believer that together we can do more.


One of my best qualities, that applies to me as a developer, is my curiosity and passion to find solutions. This has been a big factor to why coding has had such a big appeal to me, and why it fosters a passion in me. There is so much to know, and even more ways to apply it.

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Contact Me

Please email me if you have questions or think I could help you on a project.



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Our final group project at Codeup was creating a portal for pet fosters, that would allow for forums, events, information, and marketing, aiding them through the pet foster process. We were inspired by San Antonio Pets Alive, and San Antonio's "no kill" status.

My GitHub Pagesclose

A "whack-a-mole" style game made with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery, for a simple grid setup